Charleston Home Sweet Home
I am blogging from the historic streets of downtown Charleston, SC. This city is just flooded with history, it is surreal to walk up and down the streets, and with so much to do! It is so beautiful here and everything I want in a city, even despite the rainy and cold forecast for this weekend. I am still enjoying every minute of it. It has the hussle and bussle of a big city, but with southern charm and hospitality. I love just being able to park at the battery and walk and explore the city streets for miles with no real destination to go to.
There are a few things I have taken on lately that I would like to mention that make exploring this city that much better:
* Gowalla- (A virtual passport, which allows you to check in and create places using your mobile device, it is extremely addicting and interesting to see where other people are!)
* Geocaching- ( A world-wide GPS driven scavenger hunt providing clues to find "geocaches" small capsules left by others, and leaving marks of your own)
I love this city. <3