I know the assignment was already due, and I did submit my project, but unfortunately due to new copyright by YouTube, my original play list for my photo story had to be modified. But I manged to upload it using a similar website called Vimeo.
The other version is fine, but the music in this one just really completes the project to its full glory. Enjoy again :)
1) What has this course meant to you personally? How have your beliefs changed?
I really feel this course impacted me as a digital writer. I have always been an observer of blogs and podcasts and I have always wanted to start a blog, but never had the motivation to, and now seeing my thoughts on a screen and being able to promote what I am about, it so empowering as a writer. It has really brought me out as a writer and cemented what I already knew that I want to pursue a career in writing. My beliefs haven’t really changed, but been reassured that anyone can learn new technology if they truly take the time to experiment and want to learn. Age and technology only have a gap if you fail to build a bridge.
2) What are some additional areas in this subject that you may want to develop?
I would love to really continue my blog, and possibly make an additional ones as possible outlets for jobs, or to get myself out there as a writer. I am addicted to the blogging world and the feeling it gives me as a writer. I am also going to look into more podcast and possibly start my own alongside my blog. I really loved all the tools we have used and been introduced to in this class. I love photo story, and I have loved it since I used it last year, I will continue to use it, and maybe create some YouTube videos as well. I use Symbaloo and Google docs on a daily basis.
3) How might you find resources now that you have been introduced to these topics in the profession?
This course has opened an abundance of new outlets for technology and using those tools in the classroom, and converting a normal classroom to the digital class. There are so many sources and resources available for teaching every curriculum and every grade level. The amount of blogs, educational websites, podcast, and wikis are endless. I do enjoy looking to books for educational support, but I find the use of technology within this fields is so much more enlightening and refreshing, because it is updated on a weekly, or daily basis, and the information is current and new. Unfortunately with books, as soon as it goes to print, it is already out of date, especially having to deal with technology.
4) How motivated are you to seek out more information on topics discussed in this course?
I am very motivated. I knew the resources existed, but not necessarily knowing the best way to find them, and it has been a lot easier seeing how someone else finds these resources and the tools available to find them. All is right in the technology world, and it is nice to know that there are fellow teachers out there just like me, struggling with the same issues and how to fix them, and new ideas to try. I am very excited to try these sources and tools in my classroom. As well as being a contributor to future and current educators with my own ideas and tools for the classroom. It is a circle of giving and getting that the educational world is very found of.
5) How have your professional abilities been enhanced at this point in your program?
My skills with technology from a professional standpoint have always been advanced and using this course, it has enhanced all my skills and made me more adept to the internet and sources to use within the realm of teaching. You can always learn something new every day with technology, and you have definitely showed me some neat tools I will use in the future. I will continue to always further my education with technology tools, terminology, and trends and I will always be a life-long learner with technology.
6) How have you applied what you have learned thus far?
I have been using most of the tools we have used in class both in and outside of my classroom. I used photo story last year for a 6th grade slideshow, but I experimented with it more this year within the realms of our class. I also used it to compose a remembrance slideshow in honor of Thomas’s Dad. I have used Google Docs & Reader, as well as podcasting, wikis, and various resource blogs. I feel I am taking away a great deal of knowledge and information from this course. I thank you so much for this opportunity, it has really ignited my love of writing again, and I see no end in sight.
As this year is coming to a close, you can't help but see calendars being "X"ed off and students starting the countdown in their agendas. It is hard to imagine that this year has gone by so fast, even though some moments I was left wondering if time had suddenly decided to stop. With the year coming to a close, comes the tourists in their golf carts attempting to drive down 17 Business, the huge pollen storms swooping in and taking eyes and noses as their prisoners, and the warm sunny days make you wish you could have enough funding to build outdoor classrooms.
The Pale Blue Dot- Carl Sagan "The World Would Be Better if Everyone Watched This Video..."
So many things happen regardless of what is going on in your life, the world keeps turning even if you wish it would just stop, even for a second. Seasons come and go, and everything seems to be ready to repeat from the years before, a never ending cycle that seems to fill the days and nights. Often times through the years, something comes along and changes, and happens and we are left momentarily stunned by the occurence of something new, before it fades into the memories of the past, until something new arises again. It is amazing to see how the world just continues to turn regardless of the what the outcome is. We think we have big problems, and big things happening to us, and around us, but if you zoom out a few hundred billion miles, you will see that we are merely a small light in a huge abyss of darkness. We are so small when compared to the entirity of the universe, and from that point, it seems our problems are minuscule or non-existent. Interesting to take a moment and think about our place in the world.