Let's Get This Baby Up to 88 MPH....

Posted by Sw33t_Angel on 6:59 PM
"A man who dares waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life"  
-Charles Darwin

Source Google Image Search: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/26725/870907-delorean_super.jpg

For those that know me, they will tell you that Back to the Future is my favorite movie of all time. I don't know what my fascination with the movie is, or how it all started. Maybe it is the shiny chrome glisten of the Delorean, the eccentric nature and piercing white hair of Doc Brown, the cuteness of Marty McFly with his bright orange life preserver, or the mere infatuation with time travel and if it is truly possible, with or without the flux capacitor and Mr. Fusion. I seem to gravitate towards books having to deal with time, and possibility of time travel, two of my favorites being Timeline by Michael Crichton and HG Well's The Time Machine.So maybe it is the Time Travel that lures me in...

To have the ability to time travel and have the opportunity to change everything in the past to affect the present, or to alter the future, to know that the decision you make at a certain point of time, wouldn't necessarily have to be definite and un-changeable. To be invincible to all aspects of time. What if we had that power? If we did, would we still live life the way we do, or would we further take it for granted?

"You will never "find" time for anything. If you want time, you must make it."
-Charles Bruxton

Often times, I feel like nothing is definite, and that I will have a chance at some point to either change my decision or to alter it. But as I get older, I am beginning to see that life isn't like some movie script where the impossible is somehow now attainable. You always think you are going to have one more day to apologize, one more day to make it right, one more day to start eating healthy and exercising, one more day to go visit family and friends. I often procrastinate and think I have all the time in the world, and the false sense that I will always be here to make decisions, and be able to achieve and attain all the goals I want out of my life. But I am quickly learning that is not the case, and you have to live each day as if it is going to be your last, a motto, I was beginning to follow, but now truly see how important it is. One day you can be here, the next you are gone, and how quickly things can change in a month, a week, a day, an hour, a minute, a second....

Life is our gift, and we must use it to the best of our ability, I often feel the day is wasted, because I had a rough day, or I didn't get anything done, and it makes me regret the day altogether, but I now realize, it is a day, although not what I would call a "good" day, but it was a day I was alive, able to breathe air into my lungs, pump blood into my heart, able to feel, taste, touch, smell, hear, having a conscious mind able to think, a heart able to love. 

Nothing in life is for certain, unless you make it so, if you don't like something or if you want to change something, or want to attain a goal or dream you've wanted for years, then do it. Make a change. Use the precious time we have, and reach every goal, and dream you've ever wanted, no matter what it is.Nothing is impossible, unless you believe it is. Change the present, and don't dwell on the past, if you live in the past, you will never be able to see the future. Don't worry about what you could have done, or what you should have done, but what you can do, and what you should do, to make your life everything you want it to be. Live without fear, and without regrets. Tell everyone you have ever cared for that you love them, and never go to bed angry. Live your life to the absolute fullest, and save the Delorean for Hollywood.

"There are two things to aim at in life; first to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind has achieved the second."

-Logan Pearsall Smith

 Source Google Image Search: http://www.odmp.or/patch.php?id=4371&s=150

In Memory of Tommy Kelly Joyner 
Dec. 6, 1947- March 24, 2010. 


Happy Early Easter!!!

Posted by Sw33t_Angel on 1:01 PM
He was too cute! I had to post him! Do you think he does email too? :)

photo gif credit: http://www.newzonfire.com/Images/rabbit.html


Inspired By Life & Love....

Posted by Sw33t_Angel on 12:30 PM

When asked to make a photo story this week, I immediately knew what I was going to make mine about. Yesterday was my anniversary (or as we call it "versary") of 6 years with my boyfriend Thomas . I am still lovestruck even now, and as cheesy as it sounds, it really does just feel like yesterday when he asked me to be his girlfriend.
photo credit: google images- http://farm1.static.flickr.com/58/220279254_17c20cbec5.jpg

We have been through so much both good, bad, and ugly times and believe it or not, we have never gone to bed angry with one another, and we have never truly had an argument. The key is laughter and compromise, we are best friends, yet worst enemies and we aren't afraid to give the other a run for their money.

photo credit: google images- http://www.divorceattorneycoquitlam.com/images/Divorce_Attorney_Coquitlam.jpg

The statistics of marriage is frightening for couples these days, even to a relationship as strong as ours, it seems like you have to prove yourself in a society that is hoping for failure.

I can't be for sure what our future holds, maybe a move to Charleston? Distance wedding bells playing Cannon D? Whatever my future has in store, what I do know is that I will be along for the incredible ride, with no end in sight and love in my heart.<3


Groundhog Day.......

Posted by Sw33t_Angel on 6:11 PM
Ever feel like you are in a constant replay of your daily life and routines? Each day runs together in a blur... you wake up Monday and go to sleep and it's Monday again. Where does the time go? Sometimes, where does it go so SLOWLY??

March is a rough month, the students are ready for a much needed break (we are too!), PASS looms and will soon rear its ugly head, the weather can't make up its mind, every virus known to man is circling in the air ducts, and we are "springing" ahead and losing a precious hour of sleep only to gain a much needed hour in the day.

I found myself in a rut aplenty, not only this month but previous months as well, and I have been trying to dig myself out of some holes that seem to be caving in. I have been clinging to the weekends for dear life and trying to accomplish some sense of normalcy. I find spending time with my family and friends really brings out the "inner" me that I sometimes feel I keep hidden away for whatever reason propositions itself.

I think the Olympics although a joyous time for the world and a great inspiration for our country's youth, I can't help but be a little put off at the great skills and accomplishments of those I now find myself older than. I can't help but imagine if my life had turned out differently where would I be? Would I be standing on a podium with a gold medal (hahaha... not unless the sport is reading or games) or would I be sitting in a NY loft writing for a magazine?

I feel like self reflection is sometimes what you need to take a step back and analyze what you sometimes try to ignore. I think justifying your choices and being content with where you are in life sometimes has to be reminded, when putting your life in perspective you have to take in to consideration both the positive and negative aspects and learn from those "mistakes" and how to better yourself as a person, both on the inside and outside.

I do enjoy looking forward to special days and "out of the ordinary" occasions that make you feel special, they are the days that make you truly appreciate how great life can be. <3

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